
Interesting variety of predictions.

  I recently reviewed a number of Biblical prophecies that appear to be lining up just as the Biblical prophets predicted. It certainly does appear to be following a course that can only end as prophesied, and the time is almost upon us. The Irish prophet St Malachy in 1,140 predicted 112 Popes from his day until final Judgement. The patterns and identifying traits are quite recognisable, but the current frail Pope is the final one predicted. If St Malachy is right again, we will see the final Judgment before the current Pope dies. Nostradamus also has a record for accuracy, some his predictions that impressed me were that he named Pasteur and described his work. He named the prosecutor in the infamous Dreyfuss court case in France in the nineteenth century and when Erika Cheetham did a translation in 1974, she believed his prediction that the wall in the East would fall indicated that the Berlin Wall would be demolished. That is now a matter of history. Nostradamus in his Quatrain

Are we in End Times?

  Many websites, blogs, Vlogs, YouTube, and other videos are paying attention to current events in the Middle East and seeing in them events prophesied in the Bible apparently being fulfilled. It cannot be denied by anyone who has studied the Bible that the actions of the entire world appear to be happening as predicted, in some cases, thousands of year ago. A large percentage of the population is oblivious to this but that too was prophesied. A fairly recent Pew Report discovered that only about one third of the population read the Bible, pray, and believe. That is a surprising percentage as the Bible says that the Almighty said, “I will wipe you from the face of the Earth. Two thirds will I destroy but one third will I save, and I will bring them through the fire and refine them as fine silver is refined. They will call on me and I will say they are my people, and they will be saved.” Many ignore the warning and deride the possibility that there is a Supreme Being or one who will o

Green Failure

  In Australia on Tuesday February 13 th , 2024, over 500,000 Victorians were left without power, the authorities are blaming it solely on the collapse of several transmission towers. This claim comes from a government whose plan is to build more and bigger towers to carry green energy around the country. The reliance on green energy is part of the problem, storms and dark clouds reduce the production of electricity from solar panels and inhibit the production of power from wind turbines.   It is a strange fact that, even though this might sound like a contradiction, too much wind causes wind turbines to stop. Anything in excess of 25 m/s (90 km/hr) is dangerous for the wind turbine so it opts to shut down. When the anemometer registers wind speeds higher than 80 Kph (cut-out speed varies by turbine), it triggers the wind turbine to automatically shut off. The direct drive controller allows the machine to start at wind speeds of about 11 - 18 kilometres per hour and shuts off the

Vertical axis turbines.

  This is the way I keep saying we should build our wind turbines, then we wouldn't be burying them as landfill after only 10-20 years. We should also use metal blades that could be recycled.     These 1000-year-old ancient Persian vertical-axis windmills, standing in the arid landscape of Nashtifan, Iran; are not just relics but are still operational. Crafted from natural materials like wood and reeds, they harness the wind's power to grind grain, a testament to sustainable engineering from a millennium ago. Their enduring design is a marvel of early technological innovation, reflecting a deep understanding of environment and resourcefulness in using renewable energy long before the industrial age. #AncientPersian #Persian #Nashtifan #landscape #archaeological #archaeologist #Museum #Ancient #Historyfacts #History #Historic #Historical                                      Don’t miss my  new book !


  Today conspiracy theorists are so often derided but eventually proved correct. There is one theory to which I take exception, that is the view that our governments are trying to kill off populations with the use of chemical agents in jet exhausts. It is a sad indictment on society that many people do seriously believe that governments are trying to kill them off, but the actions of many politicians could be construed as attacks on health, wealth, life, and liberty. It is more likely that politicians just do not care, than that they are deliberately planning to kill citizens. Some of the idea that there are chemicals being sprayed to kill people may be based on actual spraying that is done to spray herbicides or even insecticides in agricultural areas. In the early 1990’s herbicide was sprayed on the pine plantations near Ballarat, Victoria in Australia to eliminate weeds. Unfortunately, on the day of the spraying the wind was in the wrong direction and the spray settled over the to

The Age of Lunacy

  We are living in an era that will one day be recognised as the age of lunacy. There are so many views held by society that have become distorted and divorced from reality, from multiple genders to fear of doom due to global warming (since changed to climate change because the ice caps did not melt, and land masses did not sink under rising seas.) Gender questions are simply answered by a person’s genes, every cell in your body, except red blood cells, has either XX or XY genes. A very few people might have XXY and develop as a hermaphrodite but that is very rare and medical staff may have to decide on allocating a gender and whether surgery is required. They will not be as suggested by the cartoon South Park where Mrs Cartman was both her son’s Father and Mother. Gender dysphoria is a mental aberration and should be addressed as a mental problem, many people with this condition are prone to suicide, this propensity is not diminished by gender reassignment surgery. Surgery may in fa

The Dunning Kruger Effect

The Dunning Kruger effect is an established pattern whereby it has been confirmed that the less someone actually knows about a subject the more likely they are to believe that their invariably false view is infallible. It is the driving concept behind such strange beliefs as the Earth is flat, the Moon Landings were faked, Jet exhausts are actually chemtrails where government authorities are pumping deadly chemicals into the atmosphere to kill people. The most insidious and misguided of these pseudo-science beliefs is that we are facing a deadly climate crisis and unless we get to zero carbon life on Earth will become extinct. Even after forty years of false claims and failed predictions the belief still has hold of many, particularly the young who have seen so little they cannot judge for themselves. Education or more rightly indoctrination has led many to believe that an increase of one degree Celsius in the next one hundred years would be catastrophic. Despite claims that the po